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In Matthew 28:18, Jesus tells us that baptism is a key part of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.
Baptism is a public act and testimony that we have been united with Christ by faith, and we look for the testimony of baptism in your life as a prerequisite for membership.
Romans 6:3-4 describe the drama of baptism: Jesus' death is our death — he has died in our place, and so we die to sin. His life is our life — because of his resurrection and our new birth, we now walk in newness of life. As we plunge into and rise out of the water, we re-enact and confess our faith in his death and resurrection.
Christ Chapel practices believer's baptism by full immersion (adaptable to extenuating circumstances).
If you would like to be baptized at Christ Chapel, please reach out to Pastor Steve.
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